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Coal Mining History


A Strike Like No Other Strike: Law & Resistance During the Pittston Coal Strike of 1989-1990, The miners' strike against Pittston Coal in 1989–1990, which spread throughout southwestern Virginia, southern West Virginia, and eastern Kentucky, was one of the most important strikes in the history of American labor, and, as Richard Brisbin observes, "one of the longest and largest incidents of civil disorder and civil disobedience in the United States in the second half of the twentieth century.


All Nine Alive: The Dramatic Mine Rescue That Inspired and Cheered a Nation


An Analysis of Underground Coal Mine Fire Incidents in the United States from 1978 Through 1992


Anthracite Heritage Museum, Anthracite Heritage Museum in Scranton focuses on the people, labor, and culture of coal mining and related industries in eastern Pennsylvania. The museum displays objects and images of the everyday life of coal miners and their families, including exhibits of household furnishings, religious artifacts, and work implements and machinery.....


Black Diamonds! Black Gold! - The Saga of Texas Pacific Coal and Oil Company.....


Blocton: The History of an Alabama Coal Mining Town - "Blocton" is a beautiful, 8 1/2" x 11" cloth bound book with 240 photographs, most previously unpublished. The saga begins with two entrepreneurs, Truman Aldrich and Cornelius Cadle, who created the Cahaba Coal Mining Company and pushed a railroad eight miles into the wilderness of Bibb County, Alabama to tap thick veins of coal deep underground. There, they built the town called Blocton. Beside the company town rose West Blocton. The social fabric of the two communities was extraordinary containing a tapestry of nationalities from Italians to Russian Jews, Slavs, and Welsh.


The Buffalo Creek Disaster - How the Survivors of One of the Worst Disasters in Coal-Mining History Brought Suit Against the Coal Company--And Won.


Coal, Class, and Color - Blacks in Southern West Virginia, 1915-32 (Blacks in the New World)....


Coal Dust in Their Blood - The Work and Lives of Underground Coal Miners (Ams Studies in Anthropology. No. 6)....


Coal Town - The Life and Times of Dawson, New Mexico.....


Coal towns of West Virginia : A pictorial recollection : Fayette, Raleigh, Wyoming, Boone, Logan, Mercer - Travel with Stevenson to the original sites of forty-seven West Virginia coal towns, many of which are now not even a name on a map....


Exploring Buried Buxton: Archaeology of an Abandoned Iowa Coal Mining Town With a Large Black Population (Iowa Heritage Collection).


Early Coal Mining in the Anthracite Region (Images of America: Pennsylvania) - A remarkable look into the history of the Anthracite Region of Pennsylvania through an extraordinary pictorial tour guide. This book is a journey into a world that was once very familiar. These vintage photographs of collieries, breakers, miners, drivers, and breaker boys illuminate the dark of the anthracite mines. The pictures of miners, roof falls, mules, and equipment deep underground tell the story of the hard lives lived around the hard coal. Pictures captures scenes of the coal miners when their faces were blackened by coal and when helmet lamps lit by fire that are no longer parts of the everyday lives of miners in the region.


Feldstein's Historic Coal Mining and Railroads of Allegany County, Maryland, The book consists of 135 historic Allegany County, Maryland coal mining and railroad related photographs. These are primarily from the early 1900's. Accompanying each depiction is an historical narrative with facts, figures, dates and other information.....


Fire in the Hole - Miners and Managers in the American Coal Industry...


King Coal : A Pictorial Heritage of West Virginia Coal Mining.....


Last Man Out: The Story of the Springhill Mine Disaster - On October 23, 1958, gases from deep within the earth shot skyward, causing entire floors of rock to rise instantly in a coal mine in Springhill, Nova Scotia, trapping 174 men underground. Seventy-five miners never made it out alive. Miraculously, two small groups of miners survived the initial...


Monacans and Miners: Native American and Coal Mining Communities in Appalachia.


Necessary Fraud: Progressive Reform and Utah Coal (Legal History of North America, Vol 3) A legal history of land fraud in Utah's turn-of-the-century coal fields, intertwining national, regional, and local events and reflecting the era of progressive reform. Traces a series of coal-land cases as Congress struggled to reform the Coal Land Act of 1873, describing the collusion between railroads and coal companies, President T. Roosevelt's involvement, and the actions of the State of Utah and the Mormon Church....


Pennsylvania Mining Families - The Search for Dignity in the Coalfields...


Regulating Danger - The Struggle for Mine Safety in the Rocky Mountain Coal Industry.....


Southern Illinois Coal : A Portfolio - Features 78 vivid black-and-white photos that record the (now disappearing) heritage of the coal mining industry in southern Illinois....


Tales of the Mine Country brings back the forgotten and overlooked issues of a dramatic American industry. McKeever's rich memories glow like a hearth-fire, warm with the spirit of Pennsylvania and its people who went below.....


Tennessee's Coal Creek War - Another Fight for Freedom.....


The Kingdom of Coal : Work, Enterprise & Ethnic Communities in the Mine Fields - A well-documented history of a giant American industry and a fascinating story of the unique regional culture that it spawned.....


The United Mine Workers of America - A Model of Industrial Solidarity?..


The Best-Dressed Miners - life and labor in the Maryland coal region, 1835-1910.....


The Smokeless Coal Fields of West Virginia: A Brief History


To Save the Land and People: A History of Opposition to Surface Coal Mining in Appalachia - Surface coal mining has had a dramatic impact on the Appalachian economy and ecology since World War II, exacerbating the region's chronic unemployment and destroying much of its natural environment. Here, Chad Montrie examines the twentieth-century movement to outlaw surface mining in Appalachia, tracing popular opposition to the industry from its inception through the growth of a militant movement that engaged in acts of civil disobedience and industrial sabotage. Both comprehensive and comparative, To Save the Land and People chronicles the story of surface mining opposition in the whole region, from Pennsylvania to Alabama.













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